In Italy, shipping costs €4.90, but is free for orders of at least €30. As for other countries, the shipping cost can be verified during the checkout process. Delivery is usually within 2-7 business days after the order is shipped.


When your order is ready to be shipped, we will turn it over to the courier and send you an e-mail notification to notify you and share with you the tracking code to follow your shipment.


Shipping addresses cannot be changed. Shipping will be made only to the address entered at the time of your order. Please enter your correct address carefully to ensure delivery of the package to your home.


For orders destined outside the European Union, you will be responsible for paying the required duties and taxes upon delivery.

The courier may require payment of such duties and taxes before delivering the package, and if payment is not made, delivery may be prevented.


Ordered products are delivered to the address specified by the Customer in the order form. Deliveries are made from Monday to Friday, during normal office hours, excluding national holidays. At the time the order is entrusted to the courier, an e-mail will be sent containing a link to check the path of your package from the time it is picked up by the courier until the actual delivery.

On the day of delivery, a second e-mail will be sent to notify the Customer that delivery will take place on the same day. At the time of delivery of the Products by the courier appointed by Mesauda, the Customer is required to scrupulously check:

(a) That the anti-abrasion label is intact and the packaging is undamaged or otherwise altered;

(b) That the number of pieces being delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document.

Any damage to the packaging, packages and Products or the mismatch of the number of pieces/packages or indications must be immediately contested by the Customer, who may contact Mesauda through Customer Service (also in live Online Chat from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) specifying the order for which such mishaps occurred.


In case of non-delivery due to absence of the recipient at the specified address, the courier will send a warning email to the Customer and will attempt a new delivery on the next day. In case of inability to make the delivery even the next day due to absence of the recipient, The courier will attempt to contact the Customer to schedule a new delivery. In the event that Customer Service fails to contact the Customer for the next 5 days or in the event of further impossibility of delivery due to absence of the recipient, the products subject to the order will be redelivered to Mesauda Beauty.


In case of non-delivery due to absence of the recipient at the specified address, the courier will contact the Customer by phone to arrange a delivery appointment. In case of inability to make the delivery even on the agreed day due to absence of the recipient, Mesauda Beauty Customer Service will attempt to contact the Customer to schedule a new delivery. In the event that Customer Service is unable to contact the Customer for the next 5 business days or in the event of further impossibility of delivery due to absence of the recipient, the Products subject to the order will be redelivered to Mesauda. After 30 days from the date on which the Products subject to the order have been returned to Mesauda due to impossibility in the execution of delivery, the contract shall be deemed terminated and the purchase order cancelled pursuant to Article 1456 of the Italian Civil Code. Mesauda will proceed to reimburse the amount paid by the Client net of the costs of returning the Products and the costs of their storage at the branch of the courier appointed for the delivery. The termination of the contract and the amount of the refund will be communicated by e-mail. The refund amount will be credited to the means of payment used by the Customer for the purchase. In the event that, before the elapse of thirty days, the Customer requests to receive the purchased Products again, Mesauda will proceed with the new delivery subject to charging, in addition to the costs of the same, the costs of returning the Products to Mesauda and the costs of storage