This extended notice is specifically intended to explain the types and methods of use of cookies on the website (the "Site"), as well as to explain what actions to take to reject them or change their settings.

The data controller is. Mesauda Beauty S.r.l., with registered office in
General Armando Diaz Square 7- 20123 Milan, C.F. and VAT No. 12691340967 (hereinafter referred to as the "Holder" or the "Society").

Browsing Data (hereinafter also the "Data").


Cookies are usually strings of text that websites (so-called publishers, or "first parties") visited by the user or different websites or web servers (so-called "third parties") place and store - directly, in the case of publishers, and indirectly, i.e. through them, in the case of "third parties" - within a terminal device in the user's availability.

Internet browsing software, e.g., browsers, can store cookies and then transmit them back to the sites that generated them on a subsequent visit by the same user, thus maintaining memory of his or her previous interaction with one or more websites.

Information encoded in cookies can include personal data, such as an IP address, user name, unique identifier, or e-mail address, but it can also contain non-personal data, such as language settings or information about the type of device a person is using to browse the site.

Cookies may be stored permanently on your computer and have a variable lifetime (so-called persistent cookies), but they may also vanish when you close your browser or have a limited lifetime (so-called session cookies).

Cookies can be distinguished into three different types:

  • Technical cookies: used for the sole purpose of enabling the site to function properly;
  • Analytical cookies: used to collect aggregate information of mainly statistical nature;
  • Profiling cookies: aimed at creating profiles related to the user and used for the purpose of sending advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the web.



    In the course of browsing the Site, within thehard disk of the computer or on any device used by the user to access the Internet (smartphone, tablet), the following cookies may be installed, in the manner and under the conditions described:  

    1.Technical Cookies

      Technical cookies have the function of allowing the performance of activities strictly related to the operation of the site. Technical cookies used by the Owner can be divided into the following subcategories:

      • Browsing or session cookies: by means of which browsing preferences can be saved and the user's browsing experience can be optimized. These are cookies that are essential to navigate within the site using all of its features, such as session maintenance and access to restricted areas. They are necessary, as without them it would not be possible to provide the requested services. These cookies do not collect information to be used for commercial purposes. The use of session cookies, which are not stored persistently on the user's computer and vanish when the browser is closed, is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable secure and efficient exploration of the site. The session cookies used in this site avoid the use of other computer techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users' browsing and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data of the user;
      • Persistent cookies: remain on the device even after leaving the Site, until the user deletes them or until their expiration date is reached. The Site creates this type of cookie and stores them on the device so that they can be read when the user visits the site again. This makes it possible, for example, to find, even on subsequent visits to the site, the preferences set (e.g. storage of registered users, etc.).

      In line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Art. 122 of Legislative Decree 169/2003 ("Privacy Code"), which is still applicable, provides that consent is not required for the purpose of "technical storage or access to information already stored if it is intended solely for the purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the contractor or user to provide such service."


      2.Analytical cookies

         Cookies installed to collect aggregate information of a primarily statistical nature (how long you stay on a web page, number of visitors to the Site, etc.). Analytical cookies on the Site can be divided into the following subcategories:

        •  First-party analytical cookies: similar to technical cookies in that they are installed directly by the site you are visiting to improve its usability. They do not require your consent;
        • Third-party analytical cookies: analytical cookies made and installed by third parties to analyze users' browsing in order to make statistics on visits or to improve content offerings, show products that are similar to each other and possibly place targeted advertising on web pages. Such information is processed in aggregate and anonymous form, as such it cannot identify the user in any way and therefore, for the purpose of their installation, the user's consent is not required.
          3.Profiling cookies

            Cookies installed, subject to the user's consent, to track the user's browsing on the web and create profiles on his/her tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies can be transmitted to the user's terminal advertising messages in line with the preferences already expressed by the same user in online browsing.

            The profiling cookies on the Site can be divided into the following subcategories:

            • First-party profiling cookies: used and installed by the Owner to collect information about the user's browsing habits with the aim of proposing advertising messages as relevant as possible to the user's interests;
            • Third-party profiling cookies: used and installed by third parties to track the user's web browsing and create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices;
            • Cookies for content sharing via social plug-ins: these services enable interactions with social networks, or other external platforms, directly from the pages of our site. Interactions and information captured by our site are in each case subject to the user's privacy settings related to each social network. In the event that a social network interaction service is installed, it is possible that, even if users do not use the service, it will collect traffic data related to the pages where it is installed.

            5. COOKIE USED

            The Site uses Cookies of the type and with the characteristics outlined below:


            Essential Cookies
            Name Description Category Provider Duration
            _orig_referrer This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            _landing_page This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track landing pages. Shopify 2 weeks
            _ab This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with access to the administration view of an online store platform. Essential Shopify 2 years
            _secure_session_id This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to track a user's session through the multi-step checkout process and to maintain order, payment, and shipping data. Essential Shopify 24 hours
            cart This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a shopping cart. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            cart_sig This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. It is used to verify the integrity of the shopping cart and to ensure the performance of certain cart operations. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            cart_ts This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            cart_ver This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with the shopping cart. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            cart_currency This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is set after the completion of a checkout to ensure that new carts are in the same currency as the last checkout. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            checkout_token This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with a checkout service. Essential Shopify 1 year
            storefront_digest This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and stores a digest of the store password, allowing merchants to preview their store while it is password protected. Essential Shopify 2 years
            cookieconsent_status This cookie is associated with the Consentmo GDPR Compliance app and is used to store customer consent. Essential Consentmo GDPR Compliance 1 year
            cookieconsent_preferences_disabled This cookie is associated with the Consentmo GDPR Compliance app and is used to store customer consent. Essential Consentmo GDPR Compliance 1 day
            _shopify_m This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to manage customer privacy settings. Essential Shopify 1 year
            _shopify_tm This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to manage customer privacy settings. Essential Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_tw This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to manage customer privacy settings. Essential Shopify 2 weeks
            _tracking_consent This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used to store user preferences in case the merchant has set privacy rules in the visitor's region. Essential Shopify 1 year
            tracked_start_checkout This cookie is generally provided by Shopify and is used in connection with checkout. Essential Shopify 1 year
            Reporting and analytics cookies
            Name Description Category Provider Duration
            _s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_fs This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_sa_t This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite related to marketing and referrals. Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_sa_p This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite related to marketing and referrals. Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes
            _shopify_y This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite Reporting and Analytics Shopify 1year
            _y This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite Reporting and Analytics Shopify 1 year
            _ga This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Reporting and Analytics Google Analytics 2 years
            _gat This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Reporting and Analytics Google Analytics 1 minute
            _s This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite Reporting and Analytics Shopify 30 minutes


            Marketing and retargeting cookies
            Name Description Category Provider Duration
            IDE This domain is owned by Doubleclick (Google). The main activity is: Doubleclick is Google's real-time advertising exchange. Marketing and Retargeting Google DoubleClick 2 years
            GPS This cookie is associated with YouTube, which collects user data through videos embedded on websites, which is aggregated with profile data from other Google services in order to show targeted advertising to web visitors across a wide range of its own and other websites. Marketing and Retargeting Youtube 1 session
            PREF This cookie, which can be set by Google or Doubleclick, can be used by advertising partners to build an interest profile to show relevant ads on other sites. Marketing and Retargeting Youtube 8 months
            BizoID This is a first-party cookie from Microsoft MSN to enable user-based content. Marketing and Retargeting LinkedIn 1 month
            _fbp Used by Facebook to provide a variety of advertising products such as real-time bids from third-party advertisers. Marketing and Retargeting Meta Platforms, Inc. 3 months
            __adroll This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting Adroll Group 1 year
            __adroll_v4 This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting Adroll Group 1 year
            __adroll_fpc This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting Adroll Group 1 year
            __ar_v4 This cookie is associated with AdRoll Marketing and Retargeting Adroll Group 1 year


            Functional cookies
            Name Description Category Provider Duration
            _gid This cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics Functional Google Analytics
            • 1 day


            The user authorizes the use of cookies by clicking on the "ACCEPT" button inside the banner containing the short information. The provision of data processed through the installation of technical cookies is necessary to ensure proper navigation within the Site. By clicking on the ""X" or "Reject" button, the user will continue browsing with the default settings, in the absence of cookies or other tracking tools other than technical ones; By clicking on the "Preferences" button, the user will be able to customize their choices regarding the use of different types of cookies other than technical ones.


            To disable directly from your browser the types of cookies used by this website:

            1. Chrome:
            2. Internet Explorer:
            3. Opera:
            4. Safari for mobile devices:
            5. Safari for desktop:
            6. Firefox:

            If you use a web browser not listed above, please refer to your browser's documentation or online help for further information. Users are advised that Mesauda Beauty srl acts as a mere technical intermediary for the links above and cannot assume any responsibility in case of their possible modification by the respective Owners/Editors.

            8.RECIPIENTS OF DATA

            The Data may be known and processed by employees of the corporate functions assigned to the pursuit of the above purposes, who have been expressly authorized to process and have received appropriate operational instructions.

            The Data, moreover, may be processed by external parties operating as autonomous controllers such as, by way of example, supervisory and control bodies, Public Authorities that expressly request it for administrative or institutional purposes and, in general, all parties legitimized by current national and European regulations to request such data.

            The Data may also be processed, on behalf of the Company, by external parties that qualify as data processors (pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR). Such parties, by way of example, may be:

            • companies that perform the service of managing and/or maintaining the Company's website;
            • Companies that offer support in conducting market studies;
            • Companies that provide services for the management of the information system and telecommunications networks, including e-mail.

            The full list of data processors is available upon request to be sent to the Controller using the contact details given in Section 10 below.



              Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union.

              Where this is the case, with respect to data collected by third parties using cookies, the Data Controller, to the extent of its competence, will adopt appropriate safeguards, including current adequacy decisions andStandard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) adopted by the European Commission.

              10.RIGHTS OF DATA SUBJECTS

                Data subjects may request from the Data Controller access to the Data concerning them, their deletion, the rectification of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data, the restriction of processing in the cases provided for, as well as the opposition to processing, for reasons related to their particular situation, in cases of legitimate interest of the Data Controller:

                Data subjects also have the right, where processing is based on consent or contract and is carried out by automated means, to receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the data and, if technically feasible, to transmit them to another data controller without hindrance (so-called right to portability).

                Finally, data subjects always have the right to revoke their consent at any time (this, in any case, will not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of consent given before revocation) and to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the member state in which they habitually reside or work or the state in which the alleged violation occurred.

                Changes to this policy

                This cookie policy may be subject to change over time - including related to the possible entry into force of new industry regulations, the updating and/or provision of new services or to intervening technological innovations - so we encourage you to periodically consult this page.

                Last updated: August 2023