How to dry makeup brushes: the secret to not ruining their shape and more

How to dry makeup brushes: the secret to not ruining their shape and more MESAUDA

Did you know that cleaning makeup brushes is an essential step in preserving them at their best? Here are what steps to follow and how to dry them...

Cleaning brushes is a fundamental operation to prevent their deterioration and to allow you to achieve flawless make-up: it frees the accessory from product residues, thus decreasing the risk of smudging, but also from dust, germs and bacteria. Equally important is the drying phase: if done incorrectly, you will risk ruining the shape of the accessory and, consequently, compromising its functionality. So let's see how to dry makeup brushes so as not to ruin them.

How to clean makeup brushes

Makeup brushes clean properly in 4 steps:

  1. Wet the bristles;
  2. Massage the brush with soap;
  3. Rinse the bristles;
  4. Allow to dry completely the brush.

Today, let's delve specifically into the fourth and final step: the drying stage.

How to dry makeup brushes

As mentioned earlier, drying brushes properly is very important to ensure that you do not ruin their shape. If this happens, the accessory can no longer be used to achieve flawless make-up. The key is to let the brushes dry upside down: otherwise the damp bristles would attract the dust in the air, they would open losing their original shape and the moisture would remain inside, ruining both the bristles and the handle.

There are many different methods for letting brushes dry upside down, here are some quick and easy ones:

  • Insert the brush into toilet paper board;
  • Use the appropriate nets for brushes;
  • Use the clothespins to lay out clothes;
  • Tie the brushes to a bar with rubber bands for hair.

How often to wash brushes

The frequency with which to wash face brushes tendsto vary depending on how often you use them: if you wear makeup every day it is good to wash them once a week, if you wear makeup two or three days a week you can wash them as well every 10 to 15 days. Small brushes used for eye makeup and lip makeup, on the other hand, will definitely need to be washed more frequently because of the different colors of products used.

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