From the early 1900s to today: here's how lip gloss came about

From the early 1900s to today: here's how MESAUDA lip gloss came to be

Did you know that lip gloss was invented for the movie business? Let's find out together all the interesting facts...

Lip gloss is one of the most classic cosmetics in existence, a product that has been applied by every woman in the world at least once in her lifetime and has a very long history. In fact, the first appearances of this cosmetic in history date back to the early 1900s, with use limited to the film world. Later, they found their greatest fortune in make-up of the 1960s, and then re-entered the scene and again gained a privileged position in those of the 1980s. But what is the history of lip gloss? Let's find out together.

The history of lip gloss begins in 1909

The history of lip gloss, then, begins in the early 1900s atthe hands of Max Factor, who invented the cosmetic for use in film: the goal, in fact, was to make actresses in black-and-white films look more sensual and provocative. It was thus the popularity of cinema and the growing interest of women in the world of make-up that prompted the father of the lip gloss to popularize the product and put it on the market.

The 1970s: the boom of flavored lip glosses.

In the 1960s became the top make-up product and found its greatest fortune: all women would complete their make-up with a generous swipe of lip gloss on their mouths, to make them bright and sensual. It was a period of extreme popularity for the product, which peaked in the 1970s with the invention of flavored and fruity lip glosses, which were especially popular with younger women.

1980s: the prerogatives of the lip polish

In the 1980s its popularity continued to grow, trends were dictated by television and movie divas, and it began to be appreciated for other aspects as well: it was used as lip balm, with a function of protection from the elements, and preferred to lipstick for thenatural effect it gave to make-up.

The lip gloss today

Lipsticks have become increasingly popular in recent years: colored or neutral lipsticks with matte, matt or glossy textures. However, despite the popularity of the latter product, lip gloss is also in vogue and continues to be widely used by women, especially younger ones. On the market you can find of all types: glossy, super glossy, glittery, metallic, colored or transparent.

For a bright, glowing and seductive look, find out how to apply lip gloss in 4 moves.

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