A brand new era: Mesauda begins a new chapter in its history

A brand new era: Mesauda begins a new chapter in its history MESAUDA

A new era begins for Mesauda. The brand continues its journey with even more grit and determination

After more than 13 years of research and success, Mesauda is ready to begin a new chapter in its history.

Thecompany has always considered beauty a right, a point of conjunction between the art of aesthetics and respect for the diversity that distinguishes the unique features of each of us. That is why it wants to emphasize beauty, giving everyone the chance to reveal themselves, to express themselves freely at all times.

A new era. A new logo that aims to send a message of grit and determination. Because these are precisely the pillars on which the company rests and from which the three Buaron brothers started when they decided to begin this adventure.

Victor, Amit and David had the courage to go beyond standards, to go beyond stereotypes and to aim for a universal idea of beauty.

Victor, the creative soul of the company, always driven by an incredible curiosity, started from scratch and with no degrees of resources. His was a work of listening, observation and research. He decided to experiment and design a cosmetics brand that aims at an idea of beauty free from any constraints. And her brothers, both characterized by strong entrepreneurial skills, became perfect allies to carry out the project.

Thus, the brand was born as a perfect mix of creativity and entrepreneurship, desire for innovation and attention to detail.

And the name is also no accident, but was chosen because it means "luck" in Arabic and is what should always accompany our tenacity.

Mesauda is not a fairy tale, but a story of passion and determination.

The brand loves challenges, is not frightened by obstacles and is always ready to take new paths to improve. It gives room for inclusiveness, passion and freedom to create, without losing sight of the quality of its products.

Unique nuances, cruelty-free textures and cutting-edge formulas characterize each product.

The brand wishes to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves freely, giving voice to their ambition and creativity, and revealing their beauty.

Mesauda is luck, joy of life, freedom and determination. Mesauda is beauty for all those who have the courage to express themselves.

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