History of make-up: the changes in the world of cosmetics from ancient times to today

History of make-up: the changes in the world of cosmetics from antiquity to the present MESAUDA

Do you know the history of make-up, its origins and the changes it has undergone over time? Here are the main developments in a journey through the centuries.

We have seen what is the history of lip gloss and that of Powder, we have discovered some interesting trivia about mascara, about eyeliner and about lipstick, now it is time to delve into the history of make-up, through a journey through time starting from antiquity and reaching the present day.

The origin of makeup in Egyptian times

The history of make-up begins in ancient Egypt. Here makeup mostly had a religious and ritualfunction. In fact, it was believed that beauty was pleasing to the gods and for this reason could protect against evil. For this reason, mixtures and body oils specially made by priests were used. In addition, there was a focus on enhancing the eyes with black lines that gave the eyes an elongated, almond-shaped look, made with what we know today as Khol or Kajal, made from metals, powders, minerals and animal fats.

The history of make-up in the classical world

In the classical world, the Greeks valued beauty and aesthetic standards, so much so that there were fines for women who dared to appear in public looking neglected. Evidence has come down to us of skin care products made from natural ingredients such as olive oil and milk. To give color to the skin, on the other hand, they used the red from the minio (lead oxide), or that which was obtained from the plant Anchusa tinctoria (henna), or from phukos (a seaweed), or even from dried blackberries.

But the most widely used cosmetic in ancient Greece was definitely white lead (basic lead carbonate), which gave the skin a pale complexion: the white color was, in fact, a symbol of purity and virtue for women. However, white lead was extremely poisonous and its constant use could even cause death.

Following the conquest of Greece, the Romans also learned to take care of their appearance and adopted some of the customs of the vanquished people. Beauty manuals were even published in Rome, such as Ovid's De medicamine faciei feminae in which (among other things) the use of Rhodian white lead is recommended to hide skin imperfections .

The dark ages of the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the history of make-up also experienced a dark period. Indeed, at this time, body care and cosmetic practices were not very popular, and people wore makeup only on special occasions. This was also due to the fact that the Church condemned these practices and considered them futile, or even dangerous to spiritual integrity.

Of course, makeup had not completely disappeared! And some women still devoted themselves to facial and hair care. The basic ingredients of facial makeup were a poisonous concoction of lead powder, vinegar and honey that gave the complexion an opaque white color, but over time corroded and disfigured it.

The revenge of makeup in the Renaissance

During the Renaissance, thanks to the revival of the arts, cosmetics also took off again. The taste for the classical and for beauty, understood as perfection and harmony, through the pursuit of a perfect complexion and the enhancement of form, returned.

Everything was to symbolize opulence, wealth and abundance. Gradually everything became exaggerated, not only the clothes and hairstyles, but also the makeup (for both men and women): the complexion was white thanks to the use of white lead, the lips and cheeks were red, and even the blue veins on the body were emphasized with a lapis lazuli pencil.

Cosmetics in the Victorian era

The Victorian era was a period dominated by a strict moral code, religious values, modesty, and sexual restraint. Between 1700 and 1800, new trends in cosmetics wanted a diaphanous face, a very pale look with porcelain skin. However, theexcessive use of makeup was frowned upon by the upper classes, and was the exclusive preserve of actresses and prostitutes. In short, the perfect Victorian lady was naturally pale, dim, delicate, and used make-up without overdoing it.

In addition, cosmetology experienced considerable refinement in the second half of the 1800s, mainly due to the evolution of chemistry.

The early 1900s and the birth of cosmetic houses

In the 1900s we witness a real revolution in the history of make-up. It is in the 20th century, in fact, that the first cosmetic houses are born and that the aesthetic canons completely change. No more resigned and pale-colored women, on the contrary! The idea began to spread that a natural complexion (opposite to the cadaverous one given by consumption, the evil of the century) was a symbol of health, and vivacity. And in 1913 the cosmetic use of lead white lead was banned.

The first tinted foundations are introduced as we know them today. Initially designed for the movie industry, they soon became the favorite products of women of all social classes.

In the 1950s, with growing post-war optimism, there was a real explosion of color. This was the period of cosmetics sold door-to-door, the first make-up artists and light cosmetics.

In the second half of the 20th century, the history of make-up goes hand in hand with the socio-cultural history: make-up becomes a symbol of women's emancipation, youth protests, and later the consumerist hedonism of the 1980s.

Finally, in the 1990s we return to a minimalism dictated by the economic crisis, uncertainty for the future, and even the specter of AIDS. No more exaggeration and no more bursting beauties: suffice it to say that the 90s icon par excellence, Kate Moss, flaunted an almost emaciated look thanks in part to her exaggerated thinness.

In addition, make-up for dark and Hispanic skin was imposed on the market: these women had hitherto been little considered, but model Iman (of Sudanese descent) decided to fill this gap by launching on the market a line of foundations designed precisely for this sector of consumers.

What's new in the 21st century

The changes of the 2000s are also evident when it comes to the cosmetics industry and the history of make-up. Nature and technology take the lead.

With the new millennium makeup is becoming more natural not only in its final effect but also in the use of raw materials. mineral makeup has made its appearance, as has the lighter mousse formulation that is easy to apply. Finally, big news also from the East: first of all, the BB cream, the all-in-one product that combines the features of a face cream of a foundation.

In general, much more attention is paid to respecting nature and the skin. Cosmetics must perform well, but without harming us or the surrounding environment.

And the idea of beauty is also changing! It is no longer about achieving a canon of perfection and harmony, but enhancing our beauty and highlighting our features.

What's next? Well, times change and trends run fast. Stay tuned for what other trends await us!

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