Night cream, the ally that fights imperfections

Night cream, the ally that fights imperfections MESAUDA

A must in our skin care routine, night cream is the favorite beauty pampering of all beauty addicts

Exposed to heat during summer and cold during winter, facial skin is put to the test every day. For this reason, it needs constant protection both during the day and at night. Here, then, that night cream becomes our faithful companion of skin care.

Yes, because the night is the ideal time to care for our skin. During sleep, in fact, the skin speeds up the regeneration process and repairs damage by recreating the protective barrier that may be damaged during the day. This is referred to as epidermal turnover.

What is epidermal turnover?

Let's start with the basics... Our skin is made up of small layers that follow a life cycle, through which cells rise from the bottom layer to the top layer in a continuous renewal.

The cells that have reached the surface are devoid of nucleus, thus termed dead. They are very hard cells and especially rich in keratin that form our skin's defensive barrier. However, when these cells age, they do not allow the skin to breathe and give it a dull, dull appearance, which we can remedy, however, with the right products.

But what does all this have to do with night cream?

Perhaps not everyone knows that during the night this epidermal turnover process speeds up. Reason why nighttime skin care is an essential step to care and regenerate facial skin. Again, at night the epidermis becomes more receptive and permeable. Simply put, the products we apply at night before falling asleep will be absorbed more easily.

Nighttime regeneration in 4 stages

Overnight epidermal regeneration is divided into four phases.

The first phase is that of intensification of the regeneration process: it goes from about 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. and is the time when the epidermal barriers are not very active, which is why the skin will absorb treatments better.

The second phase sees an increase in microcirculation: we see, therefore, increased tissue oxygenation.

The third phase involves skin renewal: it runs from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. and allows for the actual regeneration of the skin, that whereby dead cells are replaced by new ones.

Finally with the fourth phase we witness theself-repair of the hydrolipid film, that is, the skin's protective barrier.

Relying on high-performance facial products will, therefore, be essential to fight impurities, keep the skin glowing and give it elasticity.

What is the difference between day cream and night cream?

Now that we understand what happens to our skin at night, it will not be difficult to understand why there are daytime products and nighttime products.

During the day, the epidermis has to defend itself from the weather, smog, blue light from screens and stress. When the sun goes down, there comes a time to rest not only for us but for the skin itself to be able to regenerate.

In short, during the day we will need protective, antioxidant and moisturizing products, while at night we will need to rely on nourishing products that promote epidermal turnover by eliminating dead cells and stimulating collagen and elastin production.

Night cream: our tips on how to apply it

The first rule is to rest at least 7 or 8 hours a night in order not to disrupt our body's rhythms. Have you noticed that when you get little sleep your skin looks tired and dull? This happens because the lack of rest other the rhythms of epidermal regeneration. So, get to bed early!

Before you go to sleep, we recommend that you prepare your skin to face the hours of sleep, and give it the nourishment it needs for an energized wake-up.

To get the most out of your night cream it is essential that your face is well cleansed. In fact, makeup residues are one of the main causes of the onset of impurities. After cleansing it thoroughly and gently, you can apply RefiningNight Cream to your face.

High- and low-molecular-weighthyaluronic acid helps maintain the right degree of skin hydration and firmness and fight the signs of chrono-aging.Abrotane extract promotes the swelling of fat cells thus performing a marked plumping action. The Shea Butter and Apricot, Jojoba Oil and Panthenol deeply nourish, specially included for their marked moisturizing and soothing action. The vitamins C and E play a powerful antioxidant action that aids cell renewal and promotes collagen synthesis. Skin regenerated, hydrated and protected, visibly smoother and softer. It will be a nourishing pampering for your skin!

Apply a small amount to your cheeks, forehead and chin and start applying the night cream gently, starting from the center of your face outward. Massage until completely absorbed-you'll feel an immediate sensation of softness and hydration. Don't forget to apply it to your neck and décolleté as well, to be flaunted in all their splendor.

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