Beauty blender: how to clean the sponge in 3 moves

Beauty blender: how to clean the sponge in 3 moves MESAUDA

An indispensable ally of our make-up, the beauty blender also needs the right attention. Let's find out together how to clean it in three simple steps.

The egg-shaped makeup sponge is one of women's best allies: an indispensable accessory for applying make-up, capable of spreading the product evenly and giving you smooth and even facial skin. So as the brushes, the sponge also needs careful maintenance so that it is properly stored, lasts longer and avoids the formation of bacteria and mold, as well as for better application of make-up. After seeing what benefits it brings and how to use it, let's then find out how to clean the beauty blender.

Clean the beauty blender in 3 moves: here's how to do it

The nice, brightly colored sponge, besides being very soft, does not leave streaks, blemishes or stains when applying foundation. However, as previously mentioned, it is very important to take care of it and clean it properly, both for hygienic reasons and to be able to reuse it even with cosmetics of different shades without ruining the makeup base. Precisely for these reasons, so both to remove any residual make-up and to avoid the formation of bacteria, it should be washed after each application: let's see how.

  1. Wetting. First, wet the sponge thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  2. Lather up. After that, lather the beauty blender using any cleanser, as long as it is mild, pH neutral and therefore free of certain acids that can damage the material (such as salicylic or glycolic acid, generally found in exfoliating cleansers used to clean oily skin). Thoroughly massage the sponge until the makeup has dissolved completely and, if necessary, repeat the action several times.
  3. Dry. Finally, after each wash, it is then essential to wring out the beauty blender and allow it to air dry, without placing it in plastic containers or bags that may contribute to bacterial growth.

When to change the sponge

All these care and proper maintenance will give your beauty blender a significantly longer life. However, after about 4 to 6 months it is still recommended to change the product. The sponge, in fact, may start to give off bad odors or may have stains: clear signs that it is time to replace it.

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